Dangersous Games

Autor: Lora Leigh

Editora: St Martins Press

Estante: Literatura Estrangeira

Ano: 2006

Encardenação: Brochura

Data de cadastro: 08/10/2022 22:15

ISBN: 9780312939922

Páginas: Não informado

Peso: 200.0 (gr)



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Descrição do livro

Cod. 27874498 / Cod. 423048 / LIVROS EM INGLÊS / Brochura / ISBN: 9780312939922 / OBS: LIVRO EM BOM ESTADO DE CONSERVAÇÃO, COM O CORTE DAS PÁGINAS LEVEMENTE AMARELADO PELO TEMPO / COM PEQUENA AVARIA NA CAPA FRONTAL / SINOPSE: In this book, Navy Seal Clint Iceman McIntire didnt earn his nickname by being a coward. Or a quitter. Having crushed an infamous drug cartel in Colombia, Clint was nothing short of an American hero. Now hes home, on a much-needed leave, but instead of some R&R, he finds himself neck-deep in trouble with his best friends little sister, Morganna Chavez, the only woman who has the power to bring him to his knees. Morganna has been secretly working with the DEA to uncover a thriving date-rape drug, which leads her to a shadowy faction that is more deadly than anything he

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