The Hardworking House - The Art Of Living Desing - Arquitetura

Autor: Johnny Grey

Editora: Cassel

Estante: Artes

Ano: 1997

Encardenação: Brochura

Data de cadastro: 08/10/2022 19:05

ISBN: 0304347701

Páginas: Não informado

Peso: 528.0 (gr)



R$ 78.00
R$ 8.31
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Descrição do livro

Cod. 27863742 / Cod. 176496 / Arte / Brochura / ISBN: 0304347701 / Cod: 176496/ 176 pg. / In The hardworking house, leading domestic designer Johnny Grey continues the theme he began with his The Art of Kitchen Design, the harmonious blending of functional requirements with fine craftsmanship and humane values, extending it to the whole house and its great rooms. He looks back into the past for solutions that worked, as well as at recent developments in Europe, the USA and Australia, showing that contemporary solutions can find roots in sources as diverse as the traditional Japanese house or a Shaker workroom, while the values of the Arts and Crafts movement can be seen to be as relevant today as a century ago. LIVRO EM INGLÊS. IMPRESSO NA ESPANHA. ISBN: 0304347701.

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