Seeress Of Kell / Book Five The Malloreon

Autor: David Eddings

Editora: Corgi Books

Estante: Literatura Estrangeira

Ano: 1992

Encardenação: Brochura

Data de cadastro: 09/10/2022 12:32

ISBN: 9780552148061

Páginas: Não informado

Peso: 380.0 (gr)



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Descrição do livro

Cod. 27883120 / Cod. 480562 / LIVROS EM INGLÊS / Brochura / ISBN: 9780552148061 / OBS: LIVRO PEQUENO EM INGLÊS /EM ÓTIMO ESTADO DE CONSERVAÇÃO / JPR / Time was running out for Garion and his companions in their quest to recover Garions infant son and heir. If they could not locate the Place Which Is No More, then Zandramas, the Child of Dark, would use Garions son in a rite that would raise the Dark Prophecy to eternal dominion over the universe! Only the Seeress of Kell could reveal the site of that mysterious place--and that she could do only once Garion and Polgara had fulfilled an ancient prophecy in the mountain fastness of the Seers . . . Kell itself was closed to Zandramas--but her dark magic could force the knowledge she needed from one of Garions party. She laid her traps and dispa

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