Modern Control Technology - Components and Systems

Autor: Christopher T. Kilian

Editora: Delmar / Thomson Learning

Estante: Engenharia

Ano: 2001

Encardenação: Brochura

Data de cadastro: 08/10/2022 22:37

ISBN: 076682358

Páginas: Não informado

Peso: 1500.0 (gr)



R$ 100.00
R$ 15.27
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Descrição do livro

Cod. 27875711 / Cod. 431438 / Engenharia Eletrica / Capa Dura / ISBN: 076682358x / OBS: LIVRO GRANDE EM INGLES / EM BOM ESTADO DE CONSERVAÇÃO / COM PEQUENO AMASSO NA QUINA INFERIOR DAS CAPAS PROVAVELMENTE POR TOMBO / 2ª EDITION / Modern Control Technology: Components and Systems, 2nd Edition provides an introduction to automatic control systems and components that is both comprehensive and up-to-date. Logically organized, this book takes the reader on a journey through a control system. Each chapter examines a different functional part, followed by discussion of control units and control strategies that serves to put these parts together in a full-function control system. The text emphasizes not only on how things work, but also how they work together. Thoroughly updated, this edition features n

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