Banda/Artista: live ar times square

Gravadora: abm.i

Gênero: Desenhos

Ano: 2010

Data de cadastro: 09/05/2024 16:37

ISSN: Não informado

Peso: 300.0 (gr)



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Descrição do produto

Cod. 29980586 / obs: mídia e encarte em ótimo estado de conservação / seminovo / jpr 01. Have You Ever Seen the Rain02. Fooled Around and Fell in Love03. Still the Same04. Father and Son05. It's a Heartache06. Crazy Love07. Missing You08. If Not for You09. I'll Stand by You10. Rhythm of My Heart11. Downtown Train12. Hot Legs13. Forever Young14. Reason to Believe15. First Cut is the Deepest16. You're in My Heart17. Maggie May

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